By: Jingyi Zhou
Diinsider invites you to watch a short docu on the issue of human trafficking in the Philippines. The director Gladys Llanes said that the greatest significance of this video was not pursuing a great number of likes or views on social media but relied on conveying hope to victims of human trafficking. Let us witness how ECLIPSE Inc., fights against human trafficking and saves children from danger.
Human trafficking and prostitution of children is a significant issue in the Philippines, often controlled by organized crime syndicates. Next only to the trafficking of drugs and guns, trafficking in persons is now the world’s third most profitable organized crime. Hundreds of thousands of people, mostly from Asia, are trafficked every year. As a major source of migrant workers all over the world (it has 7 million migrant workers worldwide, according to the International Labor Organization), the Philippines is no stranger to human trafficking, “a lucrative underground economy” inside the country, said the Visayan Forum Foundation. [2]
The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) estimated that 60,000 to 100,000 children in the Philippines were involved in prostitution rings. There is a high incidence of child prostitution in tourist areas. An undetermined number of children are forced into exploitative labor operations. [3]
Human trafficking has different forms. For example, in Manila, Cebu, Luzon, and Mindanao, there are forced domestic helpers, forced farming, prostitution and forced labor in small workshops, etc. In some popular tourist destinations like Boracay, Angeles City, Olongapo, Puerto Galera, and Surigao. Due to the great demand from tourists, prostitution, including child prostitution is very rampant. [4]
The short docu entitled Rekrut (Recruit) is produced by ECLIPSE Inc. with the assistance of Development Innovation Insider Productions to raise the awareness of the general public on human trafficking as depicted by the true-to-life story of Josie Caberos, one of the rescued child laborers in the sardine factory. With the help of the KDF workers, Josie was able to free herself from the horrendous experience of modern slavery and through ECLIPSE, has emerged herself as a community volunteer committed to fight against human trafficking.
Eclipse Inc. Story
In March 1995, the Kamalayan Development Foundation (KDF), a national non-government organization based in Quezon City implemented the International Labor Organization-funded project entitled “Rescue, Rehabilitation and Community Integration of Victims of Child Trafficking in the Manufacturing Sector”.
They conducted seminars and training on human rights, children’s rights, child labor, and others, carried out organizing work among the children and youth, launched community-wide campaigns to educate more people and the government regarding child labor and the task of promoting children’s rights. They coordinated with government agencies, particularly with the Department of Labor and Employment, National Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Social Welfare and Development to conduct detection and surveillance in terminals and ports.
However, ILO-IPEC stopped the funding of the project and just to continue the organizing work, only minimal interventions were given due to lack of support.
In September 1998, they began with a new period of revived capability as they seek the funding support of Terre des Hommes Netherlands. The project was called “Exodus from Plantation to Education”, a program that had an educational component designed to replace child labor with education through supporting the entry or re-entry of school-aged working children into the schools.
In the course of these major developments, they have transformed into an independent non-government organization, thus, EXODUS FROM CHILD LABOR TO INTEGRATION, PLAY, SOCIALIZATION AND EDUCATION (ECLIPSE) was brought into life. ECLIPSE aims to contribute to the achievement and promotion of children’s rights and the achievement of child labor-free and child-friendly society. [5]
Marlon Makilan’s Interview

“I’m a former child laborer in a sugarcane plantation. I started working in the plantation at the age of 8. We work there 8-12 hours a day, on rainy or hot days.
When I was working in the fields we didn’t really care about school until such time that KDF/ECLIPSE conducted values formation workshops, and rights of the child workshops, at the same time they gave us educational assistance. They molded our attitude to be responsible. Today, I am doing the same thing to the kids in our place, I am teaching and doing what KDF/ECLIPSE taught us.
It was very important that we knew then about our rights as a child. It was our stepping stone to have a dream that is not as shallow as working in the fields but as fruitful as uplifting our families and other kids in poverty.”
Today, ECLIPSE provides a wider range of educational and training resources. Adopting the Fight to Protect program of Jiujitsu World Champion Meggie Ochoa, ECLIPSE embarked on the #FightToProtect Girls Against Gender-Based Violence program which also aims the same objective— to use Jiujitsu as a platform to raise awareness on the issue of child sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Diinsider Productions is the media production service of Diinsider, creating media contents that spark social change. We develop, produce, and even distribute media materials that suit our client’s media campaign strategies and personal business stories.
With a goal to create stories of impact, we are experts in creative visual storytelling, development communication, and research – a unique combination that helps us brainstorm our clients’ needs efficiently and communicate it effectively.
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Philippine Hub
Gladys Llanes | Media Producer
China Hub
Bolun Li | co-founder
Global Hub
[1]正視全球人口販運問題 – 台灣醒報 Awakening News Networks.
[2] Human trafficking 101: What trafficking is all about
[3] Factsheet: Child Trafficking in the Philippines (undated), UNICEF,
[4] 亚洲新闻社.在马尼拉,一位与人口贩卖作斗争的修女.Santosh Digal,