In-depth Issues

Struggles of Dhaka’s Street food Vendors to Survive During Pandemic

A day in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, cannot be imagined without the delicious and mouthwatering assemblage of street foods. Endless unique flavours, easy accessibility and low price etc. have been playing a role to make street foods a center of attraction. People of all age groups and working class are fond of street foods.

Struggles of Dhaka’s Street food Vendors to Survive During Pandemic Read More »

Shadow Education: A Barrier to the Universalization of Education?

If one were to ask, what is the purpose of education, there would not be one straightforward answer. If we were to get philosophical and idealistic at this juncture, education is about enhancing the understanding of the world, to learn, to think differently, unleash creativity and become a better person.

Shadow Education: A Barrier to the Universalization of Education? Read More »

Battling the pandemic medical wastes through Filipino technology

With the continued battle against COVID-19 in the Philippines, so is the continued rise in the volume of health care or medical wastes in the country. On the onset of the pandemic in 2020, the Asian Development Bank had already projected few cities which will deal with excessive amount of medical wastes, including the country’s capital, Manila, with a projection of 280 metric tons per day.

Battling the pandemic medical wastes through Filipino technology Read More »

Fighting Gender Inequality through the Philippines’ Roots

By: Marc Adrian Aguilar The Philippines had been hailed as one of the countries embracing gender equality. The Global Gender Gap Report 2020 of the World Economic Forum ranked the Philippines as the 16th on the index among the developed Scandinavian countries. The International Labor Organization detailed that the Philippines is the 5th in having the highest share of

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Local efforts help protect the endangered Irrawaddy Dolphins in Myanmar

The iconic Irrawaddy dolphins of Myanmar are facing a range of threats from economic development activities that are degrading their habitats and food sources. They are critical for fishery resources and water security of Ayeyarwady River. Local groups along the Ayeyarwady River are coming together to protect the dolphins and their habitats.

Local efforts help protect the endangered Irrawaddy Dolphins in Myanmar Read More »